* @version $Revision: 1.4 $ $Date: 2004/10/21 12:18:15 $ * */ include_once('config.php'); include_once('class.Validator.php'); $check = new Validator (); $Metas = array('\"','/','+','*','?','[','^',']','(','$',')',';',':','<','>'); $errors=array(); $thnxmsg=NULL; $template = new template(); $template->title = 'motherboards.org Weekly Newsletter Signup'; $template->section = 'home'; $template->description = $template->title; $template->open_page(); $g_conn = new db_mysql(); $g_conn->select_db('mbhw'); if(isset($_POST['frontsub'])) { if($check->is_email($_POST['frontsub'])) { if(!newsletter_exists($_POST['frontsub'])) { $addmail = $_POST['frontsub']; newsletter_add($addmail); } } header('location:http://www.motherboards.org'); } else { if(isset($_POST['hit'])) { if(!$check->custom_has($Metas,$_POST['hit'])) { array_push($errors,"Bad data Recieved"); } else { if($_POST['hit']=="in") { $opto='in'; } else { $opto='out'; } } switch($opto) { case 'in': $sel=array("in"=>"checked", "out"=>NULL); break; case 'out': $sel=array("in"=>NULL, "out"=>"checked"); break; default: $sel=array("in"=>"checked", "out"=>NULL); break; } if(isset($_POST['theemail'])) { if($_POST['theemail']!="") { if(!$check->is_email($_POST['theemail'])) { array_push($errors,$check->ERROR);$inemail=NULL; } else { $inemail = $_POST['theemail']; $exemail = newsletter_exists($inemail); if($exemail) { switch($opto) { case 'in': array_push($errors,"You have already subscribed."); break; case 'out': newsletter_remove($exemail); $thnxmsg="Your email has been removed"; break; default: array_push($errors,"No selection made."); break; } } else { switch($opto) { case 'in': if(newsletter_in_exclude_list($inemail)) { mysql_query("delete from thenewsletter_exclude where email = \"$inemail\""); if(!newsletter_add($inemail)) { array_push($errors,"Error adding email to database."); } else { $thnxmsg="Your email has been received"; } } else { if(!newsletter_add($inemail)) { array_push($errors,"Error adding email to database."); } else { $thnxmsg="Your email has been received"; } } break; case 'out': if(newsletter_in_exclude_list($exemail)) { array_push($errors,"You have already been removed."); } else { array_push($errors,"No record found."); } break; default: array_push($errors,"No selection made."); break; } } } } else { array_push($errors,"Email is required"); $inemail=NULL; } } else { $inemail=NULL; } } else { $sel=array("in"=>"checked", "out"=>NULL); } if(count($errors)<1) { $errtab=NULL; } else { $errtab=""; foreach($errors as $errnum => $err) { $pre=$errnum+1; $errtab.=""; } $errtab.="
".$pre.") ".$err."
"; } $form = "
".$errtab." Enter your email address:
"; $thanks = "
Thank you.

"; $stage=array(NULL, $form, $thanks); if(!$errtab && $hit) { $out=$stage[2]; } else { $out=$stage[1]; } } function newsletter_add($inemail) { global $g_conn; $qt="insert into thenewsletter values (null, \"$inemail\", ".time().", \"".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."\")"; if($checkq = mysql_query($qt)) { return true; } else { return false; } } function newsletter_remove($inemail) { global $g_conn; $errors=array(); $qt="delete from thenewsletter where email = \"$inemail\""; if(!$checkq = mysql_query($qt)) { array_push($errors,"No Data"); } $qt="insert into thenewsletter_exclude values (null, \"$inemail\", ".time().", \"".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."\")"; if(!$checkq = mysql_query($qt)) { array_push($errors,"No Data"); } if(count($errors)<1) { return true; } else { return false; } } function newsletter_in_exclude_list($inemail) { global $g_conn; $theq = mysql_query("select email from thenewsletter_exclude where email = \"$inemail\""); if(mysql_num_rows($theq)>0) { return true; } else { return false; } } function newsletter_exists($inemail) { global $g_conn; $theq = mysql_query("select email from thenewsletter where email = '$inemail'"); $emailar = mysql_fetch_row($theq); $exemail=$emailar[0]; if($exemail) { return $exemail; } else { return false; } } ?>
Newsletter :: Subscribe / Unsubscribe :: Motherboards.org
close_page(); ?>